What To Expect

First Session

Prior to your initial consultation, our friendly staff will be on hand to guide you through a short questionnaire, which will allow us to outline your condition and gather some basic information for our records.

First, there will be a detailed discussion regarding the history of your ailment as well as any relevant surgeries, accidents or other medical history details deemed appropriate.

This will help Dr Daniels to assess what the underlying cause may be.  A comprehensive physical, spinal and postural examination will follow, allowing Dr Daniels to investigate and diagnose the specific problem.

In some cases, you may be referred to a local radiology clinic for an x-ray in order to rule out any serious conditions and to allow Dr Daniels to view your spine in close detail. These films will aid Dr Daniels to carefully develop the most effective treatment plan for you.  This x-ray service will usually only be an outlay of around $20.

After outlining a full explanation of what you can expect, you will now conclude your first visit by receiving your first spinal adjustment.

Second Session

Your second session will begin with a review of the findings from your previous examination, x-rays and response to your first spinal adjustment.

Dr Daniels will then outline a personalised care plan that he has developed to help alleviate your presenting condition.  We encourage our patients to ask any questions they might have regarding their condition and wellness.  There is no question too small.

We understand that your time is precious. Through the application of modern, gentle techniques, we will not take a minute longer than is necessary to deliver your treatment, as we embark on your personalised care plan to optimal health.

You will now conclude your second visit with a follow-up spinal adjustment.

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